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PET Defender 犬隻抗菌除臭噴霧 500mL



專利量子抗菌技術 長效抗菌抗病毒,於寵物皮膚上有效殺滅及抑制99.9%病毒及有害細菌。 Specialized in the technology of quantum counter-bacteria Long-term antibacterial and anti-venomous, poisonous insects and harmful bacteria that have been killed and suppressed on the skin of pets. ✋5 項安全認証: 5 Safety Certifications : 🚫皮膚細胞安全 Skin Cell Safety 🚫口服毒性 Non- Toxic 🚫吸入風險 Inhalation risk FREE 🚫眼部敏感 Eye Irritation FREE 🚫皮膚刺激 Skin Irritation FREE 以上五項全皆通過SGS安全測試驗證

Maklumat produk

                                                                 Give YOU and YOUR PET a Better Health

使用方法 Usage :
✓ 直接噴於寵物身體、籠、床、玩具、地板、家居用品等

Spray on dog's coat, cages, beds, toys, floor or other household items directly .

✓ 乾透後有效抗菌達10小時或以上

After coating dried, antibacterial and anti- virus effective for 10 hours or above.

本產品經國際認可實驗室如SGS等、及歐盟 EN14476及EN1276認證標準測試,能長效對抗 新型冠狀病毒COVID-19(SARS-COV-2)、α溶血 性鏈球菌、MRSA、H1N1、大腸桿菌等。
This product has been tested by international accredited laboratories. Eg.SGS, EU EN14476 and EN1276 certification strandards protect against COVID- 19(SARS-COV-2),alpha hemolytic streptococcus, MRSA, H1N1, Ecoli, etc.

成分 Ingredients:
Q-Dot TiO2 ,  Pure Water

保存期限 Expiration Date

Valid for 9 months after opening.


Keep in cool and dry places.

注意事項 caution :

Do not use if liquid solidifies







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